English Unlimited HTL 1, Schulbuch mit Audio-CD und CD-ROM

134 Grammar reference and practice BEDEUTUNG Singular (ein/e) Plural (zwei und mehr) An die meisten Nomen wird -s angehängt. thing shop thing s shop s An Nomen, die mit -sh , -ch , -ss , -x , -z oder -s enden, wird -es angehängt. dish boss dish es boss es Für Nomen, die mit einem Konsonanten + y enden , gilt: y Æ -ies . company city compan ies cit ies Unregelmäßige Pluralformen person man woman child people [ }pi:pWl ] men [ men ] women [ }wçmçn ] children [ }tSçldrWn ] Verwenden Sie das Past simple , um über Ereignisse zu sprechen, die in der Vergangenheit geschahen und abgeschlossen sind. Pavel made the Stereobelt in 1972. My family moved from Nigeria to Scotland when I was five. I lived in France for three years. 1 How many are there in South America? 2 I send to my boyfriend every day. 3 I have three and one brother. 4 I don’t like big . I prefer small towns. 5 When do you usually meet your ? 6 I don’t read . I don’t like bad news. 7 Ask the over there. They work in this shop. 8 All the in my town have good teachers. 9 I like dancing, but I hate going to . PRACTICE Complete the sentences with the plurals of these words. country city school newspaper sister email woman party friend countries Past simple FORM FORM Die Form des Past simple ist für I , you , he , she , it und they dieselbe. I went to the cinema last night. / We moved to Scotland. I didn’t go to the cinema last night. didn’t went We didn’t move to Scotland. didn’t moved Did you go to the cinema last night? Did you move to Scotland? Yes, I did . No, I didn’t . Manche Verben sind im Past simple regelmäßig und enden mit -ed . move Æ mov ed listen Æ listen ed like Æ lik ed Einige Verben sind im Past simple unregelmäßig. go Æ went make Æ made buy Æ bought have Æ had Siehe Irregular verbs auf S. 141. PRACTICE Complete the conversations with did or didn’t . 1 “ you have a nice weekend?” “Well, no, I . It was terrible.” 2 “When you buy that mobile phone?” “I buy it. My sister gave it to me.” 3 “ you see your friends last weekend?” “Yes, I . We had a great time.” 4 “How much your laptop cost?” “I pay a lot – about $150. I bought it from a friend.” 5 “Who you see at the party?” “I go. I stayed at home.” 6 “ you like the film?” “Well, the story was OK, but I like the actors.” BEDEUTUNG Unit 4 Singular and plural nouns Verwenden Sie die Pluralform, um über mehrere Personen oder Dinge zu sprechen. I have a car . My friend has two cars . 1972 when I was five for three years NOW Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv