English Unlimited HTL 1, Schulbuch mit Audio-CD und CD-ROM
133 Grammar reference and practice FORM Subjektpronomen Objektpronomen I you he she it we they me you him her it us them Subjektpronomen stehen in einem Satz meistens vor dem Verb . I like watching TV. Objektpronomen folgen nach den Verben und Präpositionen . I love them . I like talking to my boyfriend and watching TV with him . PRACTICE Circle the correct word. 1 He / him likes fishing in the sea with his friends. 2 Is she / her busy now? 3 Bob can meet we / us at 5.00 tomorrow evening. 4 She / her is a really nice person. 5 I like talking to he / her. 6 We / us play football at the weekend. 7 My cat doesn’t like my boyfriend, but she loves I / me. 8 Are they / them friends or just classmates? 9 Money doesn’t make you / we happy. 10 I don’t read newspapers. I don’t like they / them. There is / There are BEDEUTUNG Mit there is / there are (= es gibt) können Sie ausdrücken, dass Dinge oder Personen an einem bestimmten Ort existieren. In my home town, there’s a university and there are a lot of parks. In my class, there’s a Turkish boy and there are three Bosnian girls. Üblicherweise werden so genauere Angaben über Dinge oder Personen gemacht. There’s a bus stop near my flat . (= wo) There’s a train at eight o’clock this evening . (= wann) There are 29 students in my class . (= wie viele) Verwenden Sie it’s oder they’re nicht mit dieser Bedeutung: It’s a bus stop near my flat. / They’re a lot of parks in Istanbul. Verwenden Sie there is mit Nomen im Singular und there are mit Nomen im Plural. Bei Verneinungen sind there’s no … und there are no … geläufiger als there isn’t … und there aren’t … . FORM Singular Plural There’s a bus stop near my flat. There are two banks in Main Street. There’s a lot of shops in my neighbourhood. There are There’s no bus stop. There isn’t a bus stop. There are no banks. There aren’t any banks. Is there a bus stop near here? Are there any banks near here? How many banks are there? Yes, there is . No, there isn’t . Yes, there are . No, there aren’t . There’s one. There are two. There aren’t any. Kurzformen: there’s = there is Sie können there’s und there are in Verbindung mit a couple of und a lot of verwenden, wenn das Nomen im Plural steht. 1 “Excuse me, there a bus stop near here?” “Yes, there one at the end of the street, about five minutes’ walk.” 2 “ there any good cafés near your flat?” “Yes, there two or three. There a very nice one on the corner. We could go there.” 3 “ there any books in that cupboard?” “No, there . There only an old newspaper.” 4 “ there a swimming pool at your school?” “No, sorry, there .” PRACTICE Complete the conversations with is , ’s , are , isn’t , aren’t . Subject and object pronouns Pronomen können verwendet werden, um über Personen, Dinge und Aktivitäten zu sprechen. My grandparents are great. I love them so much. Where’s Susan? Is she here? I like watching TV. It’s fun. BEDEUTUNG Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
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