English Unlimited HTL 1, Schulbuch mit Audio-CD und CD-ROM
130 Grammar reference and practice Complete the conversations. 1 “Where you from?” – “I from Australia.” 2 “Vigo in Portugal.” “No, it . It in Spain.” 3 “ you Rob’s classmate?” “No, I . I his brother.” 4 “Sorry, I late?” “Yes, you . Forty-five minutes!” 5 “How old your children?” 6 “ you interested in yoga?” “Yes, we .” 7 “ this your coffee?” “No. Maybe it Jo’s.” 8 “Excuse me, where the cinema?” “Sorry, we from around here.” Kurzformen: I’m = I am / he’s, she’s, it’s = he is, she is, it is you’re = you are / we’re = we are / they’re = they are isn’t = is not / aren’t = are not Sie können are not und is not auch wie folgt zusammenziehen: You are not late. Æ You ’re not late. It isn’t my bag. Æ It ’s not my bag. I’m Rob. You’re late. He’s a teacher. She’s a doctor. It’s my bag. We’re friends. They’re Spanish. I’m not Rob. You aren’t late. He isn’t a student. She isn’t a journalist. It isn’t my bag. We aren’t brothers. They aren’t Brazilian. Am I late? Are you from Spain? Is he a teacher? Is she a doctor? Is it your bag? Are we late? Are they here? / Yes, I am . / No, I’m not . Yes, you are . / No, you aren’t . Yes, he is . / No, he isn’t . Yes, she is . / No, she isn’t . Yes, it is . / No, it isn’t . Yes, we are . / No, we aren’t . Yes, they are . / No, they aren’t . are Verwenden Sie die Gegenwartsform von be ( am , is , are ), um Aussagen zu machen über: who (wer): I ’m Rob. / He ’s a student. / They ’re my friends. what (was): It ’s my bag. / They ’re my books. where (wo): My bag ’s in my car. / The books are here. how old (wie alt): I ’m fifteen. times and dates (Uhrzeiten und Daten): It ’s 8.30. / It ’s 1 October 2012. the weather (das Wetter): It ’s hot. / It ’s sunny. Sie können am , is , are verwenden, um über Dinge zu sprechen, die jetzt gerade oder immer gültig sind: James is in his office. It ’s 8.30. (jetzt gerade gültig) Paris is in France. Rob and Alasdair are brothers. (immer gültig) 1 Singular. Add ’s to the correct word in each sentence. 1 Are you Rob ’s brother? 2 This is Sally, my brother girlfriend. 3 Are you Jakob English teacher? 4 My friend boss is really nice. 5 Alexandra family is from Manchester. 6 What’s that man name? 7 Is that your sister bag? 8 My cat name is Alfie. 2 Plural. Circle the correct word. 1 This is my parents / parents’ new car. 2 These are my friends / friend’s books. 3 Hi. Are you Charles / Charles’s father? 4 Natasha and Anna are my sisters / sisters’. 5 Her grandparents / grandparents’ flat isn’t very big. 6 What are your classmates / classmates’ names? Singular Isabel + ’s = Isabel ’s husband my friend + ’s = my friend ’s name Alasdair and Rob + ’s = Alasdair and Rob ’s family Plural In diesem Fall wird kein zusätzliches s hinzugefügt: parents + ’ = my parent s’ house Ein Nomen mit besitzanzeigendem ’s hat dieselbe Bedeutung wie ein besitzanzeigendes Pronomen ( her , his , their , …): James is Isabel’s husband. Alasdair is her son. Isabel is Alasdair’s mother. Rob is his brother. James is Alasdair and Rob’s father. Isabel is their mother. be present: am , is , are FORM PRACTICE BEDEUTUNG FORM PRACTICE Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
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