English Unlimited HTL 1, Schulbuch mit Audio-CD und CD-ROM
129 Grammar reference and practice 1 Can / Mike / Portuguese / speak ? 2 Can / your / postcode / remember / you ? 3 can’t / I / remember / name / your . 4 Can / ‘hello’ / in six languages / say / you ? 5 can / speak / four / I / languages . 6 can’t / I / name / his / spell . 7 can / Turkish / She / and French / speak . 8 can’t / email / I / remember / address / his . Intro Subject pronouns and possessive adjectives Besitzanzeigende Pronomen ( possessive adjectives ) drücken aus, dass jemandem etwas gehört. Verwenden Sie besitzanzeigende Pronomen in Verbindung mit Namen, Adressen und Telefonnummern. I can speak three languages. He can’t remember her mobile number. Can you remember her surname? Yes, I can . No, I can’t . Auf can folgt ein Infinitiv: I can speak three languages. I can swim. I can’t swim. 1 “What’s name?” “I’m Anna. Nice to meet you.” 2 They’re from Japan, but children were born here. 3 What languages do speak, and what’s your first language? 4 Her name’s Valery and ’s from the United States. 5 name’s Sameh and he’s from Egypt. 6 We only speak English, but children speak three languages. 7 “What’s your phone number?” “Well, mobile number is 07786-330074.” 8 name is Melek and she’s from Turkey. your my his she their our you her Subjektpronomen Besitzanzeigende Pronomen I ’m Anna. My name’s Anna. Are you Maria? Are you Maria and Stefan? What’s your name? What are your names? He ’s a student. This is his phone number. She ’s from Korea. What’s her address? It ’s a beautiful cat. What’s its name? We ’re from Italy. Our home town is Milan. They ’re from Norway. What are their names? your Can Mike speak Portuguese? BEDEUTUNG BEDEUTUNG BEDEUTUNG PRACTICE PRACTICE FORM FORM Complete the sentences with the words in the box. Make sentences and questions. can for ability Unit 1 Possessive ’s and s’ James Alasdair Isabel Rob (Fortsetzung auf S. 130) Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
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