English Unlimited HTL 1, Schulbuch mit Audio-CD und CD-ROM
128 Activities Unit 5, exercise 26 book 1 [ bïk ] noun 1 a set of pages with writing on them fastened together in a cover: I’ve just read a really good book. 2 a set of pages fastened together in a cover and used for writing on: an address book book 2 [ bïk ] verb to arrange to use or do something at a time in the future: I’ve booked a hotel room. ƒ We’ve booked a trip to Spain for next month. match 1 [ métS ] noun ( pl. matches ) 1 a sports competition in which two people or teams compete against each other: a football match 2 a thin, wooden stick which makes fire when you rub one end of it against a rough surface: a box of matches match 2 [ métS ] verb If two things match, they are the same colour or type: I can’t find anything to match my green shirt. ƒ Your socks don’t match. Unit 1, exercise 17 adventurous [ Wd}ventSWrWs ] adj liking to try new or difficult things: I’m going to be more adventurous with my cooking. independent [ ]çndç}pendWnt ] adj not wanting or needing anyone else to help you: She’s a very independent four-year-old. creative [ kri:}eçtçv ] adj good at thinking of new ideas and making interesting things: Her book is full of creative ways to decorate your home. hard-working [ ]hA:d}wä:kçN ] adj doing a job seriously and with a lot of effort: She’s a very hard-working student. funny [ }fUni ] adj 1 making you smile or laugh: a funny story 2 strange or unusual and not what you expect: This chicken tastes a bit funny. outgoing [ DwW`J½wo1 ] adj Someone who is outgoing is friendly, talks a lot, and enjoys meeting people: She has an outgoing personality. intelligent [ çn}telçdJWnt ] adj able to learn and understand things easily. He is a highly intelligent young man . serious [ }sçWriWs ] adj A serious person is quiet and does not laugh often: a serious child Unit 4, exercise 28 Melinda: Hi everybody, we’re going to draw a few lines and shapes. So get ready – and here we go! Chester: Right! So everybody has a sheet of paper in front of them and a sharpened pencil or pen. Now, draw a line in the middle from top to bottom. en, on the right side of the line, draw a triangle towards the bottom of the page. Melinda: Just above the triangle draw a circle of about the same size. Next, draw another line from le to right that cuts the line in the middle. But it should be above the circle, towards the top of the page. Chester: Now two more instructions and you’re done. Draw a circle as large as possible on the le-hand side of the line in the middle. e circle should be below the line that runs from le to right. And nally, write your name inside the larger circle. Melinda: So … Do you think you got it right? From Cambridge Essential English Dictionary Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
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