English Unlimited HTL 1, Schulbuch mit Audio-CD und CD-ROM
127 Activities Camping du Parc *** We welcome you to Camping Du Parc, a friendly campsite close to La Mauricie National Park in Québec, Canada. We offer a quiet site under the trees, a sky full of stars DQG D JRRG FDPS¿UH On site: a nice little beach, playgrounds, a safe cycling path. Nearby: VRPH JROI FOXEV PDQ\ ¿VKLQJ VSRWV LQ WKH KHDUW RI /D 0DXULFLH Au Joyeux Druide, Hotel and Art Gallery *** 2XU KRXVH LV RQ D KLOO E\ WKH 6KDZLQLJDQ 5LYHU +HUH \RX¶OO ¿QG FRPIRUWDEOH URRPV D JDPHV room, and good home-grown food. We’re also a gallery of modern art. 3573, Rue Bellevue, Shawinigan (Québec) Le Baluchon **** Our inn is in a beautiful location near islands, waterfalls, hills and a forest. We offer you comfort, a healthy break and excellent food. 3550, Chemin des Trembles, Saint-Paulin (Québec) Chalet Joel Migneault ** Rent this warm quiet chalet in the heart of nature on Lake Chrétien. On site: hiking, mountain biking, volleyball, swimming, canoeing, kayaking and much more. 496, rue des Peupliers, Saint-Gerard-des-Laurentides (Québec) From tree to tree An extraordinary family activity! Come and experience this new treetop adventure, unique in Mauricie. Climb trees and cross rope bridges on our specially designed course. Open: May to October, reservations preferable. Admission: children: from $16; adults: $25.95; special rates for families and groups. Riding Centre, Saint-Georges &RPH DQG HQMR\ RXU KRUVHV ZLWK D TXDOL¿HG LQVWUXFWRU 5LGH DORQH LQ D JURXS RU DV D IDPLO\ Ponies available for children. Riding lessons for children and adults. Open: all year Rates: adults: $10 / hour; children: $5 / hour; special family and group rates. Black bear observation Watch for bears safely with our experienced guides. Learn what to do if you see a bear in the forest! Over 95% of people see bears. Open: June to September, at sunset. Rates: adults: $20; students: $10; special family and group rates. National Park of Canada, Mauricie A paradise for outdoor lovers with 536 km 2 of lakes and forests. Canoeing and hiking in summer and cross-country skiing in winter are the main activities. Open: May 12 to October 15, 7 am to 10 pm. Admission: $3.50 to $7 per person. LA MAURICIE Canada http://www.npc.gc.ca/mauricie Ð Accommodation Ð Outdoor activities Unit 8, exercise 20 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
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