English Unlimited HTL 1, Schulbuch mit Audio-CD und CD-ROM
125 Activities Unit 8, exercise 14 Student A Unit 7, exercises 17/18 Conversation 1 You are at the train ticket window in Central Station in Colville. You want to go to Riverton, a nearby town. Ask questions to find out travel details. Buy a ticket. Conversation 2 You work at the ticket window in a coach station in Albany City. Answer the customer’s questions. Coach ticket: price one way $25.60, day return $45.00, open return $52.75. Next one leaves in 15 minutes and takes 3 hours 45 minutes; change coaches once. Another one leaves in 30 minutes and takes 3 hours; it is direct. Coach number 613. It is outside, look for sign. Unit 3, exercise 39 Student A Hazelwood, Dublin 9, North Dublin City share with four other students (but own bathroom) television, phone, internet central heating not included washing machine dishwasher near bus stop to city centre parking no smoking YLVLWV DP ļ SP ZHHNHQGV RQO\ Unit 7, exercise 24 Student B You work for airport security . Your name is . Remember that you have to: check the passenger’s passport. X-ray all hand luggage. X-ray shoes. check for laptops. look in the passenger’s bags. Monday 12.30: meeting school mag. editor 5 pm: school choir 6.30 pm: meet John Blue Note Café Thursday 4 pm: shopping with Mia – b-day present for Gillian Tuesday 3 rd lesson: maths test!!!! 5.30 pm: meet Dane Court people, show them town Friday 04.15 sharp: see Dane Court people off in front of main hall 7 pm: Gillian’s party Wednesday 4.30 pm: dentist (ouch!) Saturday Sunday Student B Nur zu Prüfzwecken a y – Eigentum des Verlags x öbv
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