Make Your Way 6, Schulbuch mit Audio-CD und CD-ROM

Nearly every country in the world finds itself on Amnesty’s yearly list of violations against human rights. Read the following text about human rights violations in Australia. The lines of the text have been jumbled. Put them into the correct order. 11 1 Amnesty International works for men and women who want everyone to have the freedom to express their own political opinion. (free) 2 Many people have strong feelings that political imprisonment, torture and executions are wrong. (strongly) 3 If such governments are to stay in power, they cannot afford to be tolerant of opposition. (tolerate) 4 Mental torture can cause more pain than physical torture. (painful) 5 Torture is still used in more than 60 countries throughout the world. (worldwide) 6 Brutality is used to break the will of “enemies” of the state. (brutal) 7 The police denied having any record of them being detained. (detention) Language booster A useful skill in learning English is knowing how to rephrase sentences using different forms of a rootword. 12 Rephrase these sentences using the word in brackets. Then check back through the unit to find the answers. Examples: Can there ever be any justification for torture? Can torture ever be justified ? Amnesty International News Release __ brought to justice. __ denied. A.I. has called for a proper investigation and __ In the early hours of March 22, unknown __ International believes that what happened in __ while other officers were holding them. Amnesty __ recording provides evidence that cannot be __ security video camera. Some of the officers __ Ipswich has happened under more or less __ for those responsible for the beatings to be __ similar circumstances elsewhere in Australia. __ The difference this time is that the video __ to them, some police officers were filmed by a __ were punching and kicking several Aborigines Ipswich (Australia): Police brutality against Aborigines 1 200 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv