Make Your Way 6, Schulbuch mit Audio-CD und CD-ROM

Algeria, and the Americans in Vietnam. Torture is often practised by governments which are not freely elected by the people they govern. If such governments are to stay in power, they cannot afford to tolerate opposition. So they frequently use arrest and torture to silence the criticisms of ordinary men and women whose views and opinions are different from theirs. Over the centuries, the reasons for torture have not changed – but the methods have. The old torture instruments of the past have disap- peared, and new methods such as electric shocks and drugs have been introduced. Experts from different countries now meet to exchange ideas about torture, and many countries sell equipment that can be used to torture people. But not all torture is physical. Imagine being told that something awful will happen to a member of your family if you don’t “confess”. Imagine being prevented from sleeping. Imagine being prevented from seeing, hearing, or feeling. Such mental torture can be even more painful than physical torture, and is being used more and more because it leaves no marks on the prisoner’s body. You are going to hear an extract from “Spotlight”, a regular current affairs programme on the radio which each week focuses on a problem in a particular part of the world. In the extract a young woman tells us about the horrifying experience of being arrested and tortured. 10 2/15 • Discuss in small groups: How do you feel about her story? 1 Most people think that torture a is not a problem in the modern world. b was more serious in the past. c happens all over the world. d is a necessary evil. 4 Torture “experts” from different countries meet to a discuss different torture methods. b change ideas about torture. c sell torture equipment. d compare modern techniques with those of the past. 3 Governments that are not freely elected often use torture a to fight international terrorism. b to keep any opposition quiet. c to win elections. d to scare their people. 2 The kinds of governments that use torture are a dictatorships. b people’s republics. c democratic ones. d all of the above. 5 Mental torture may involve a endless interrogations. b torturing members of the victim’s family. c physical harm as well. d keeping the victim awake. is a part of history: hier: ist Geschichte, ist vorbei 199 6 Compact unit 6: Stand up for your rights! Nur zu Prüfzw cken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv