Make Your Way 5, Schulbuch mit Audio-CD und CD-ROM

as ......... as -er ......... than not so/as ......... as more ....... than less ......... than Write down the correct form of comparison. 7 Use the words in brackets in their correct form (adjective or adverb). 8 Examples of making comparisons: • using the positive form of the adjective • using the comparative form of the adjective • using the superlative form of the adjective Some people believe that Oasis were a better band than the Beatles. Watching video clips is more enjoyable than listening to CDs. The band’s last album was less successful than their previous one. Which band has the highest record sales in all the countries? Which band has the most dedicated superfans? Which band has the best stage performance? 1 Girl bands are now than they were in the 80s. (popular) 2 George is the guitar-player in the group. (bad) 3 The open-air pop festival of the 60s took place at Woodstock. (big) 4 Who’s the keyboard-player around at the moment? (talented) 5 REM’s latest record has not been as as everyone expected. (successful) 6 I think it’s to watch a video clip than to listen to a CD. (interesting) 7 The standard of their music is than that of most other groups. (high) 8 Bob Dylan is one of the folk singers in the world. (famous) The second time I went to a concert by a West coast band was even (exciting) than the first time. We were standing very (close) to the stage, and when the band came on stage everybody shouted like (mad). They started off with “Drag me down”. At first they played very (soft) and extremely (slow). And then, all of a sudden, they changed the rhythm and turned up the amplifier (full). People jumped up and down (mad), and my friend and I climbed onto the stage lots of times for some stage-diving. Suddenly they changed to a (gentle) tune again. However, most of it was loud and (extreme, fast), and we enjoyed every minute of it. I think it was the (good) concert we’ve had in months. The sales figures of Beatles music are as big as ever. The CD I bought was not as expensive as his. 9 1 Extensive unit 1: Pop music Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv