Make Your Way 5, Schulbuch mit Audio-CD und CD-ROM

Writing: A discursive composition a) Read the composition about team sports and put the paragraphs in order. Use the following plan as a guide to help you: b) Look at the underlined words and phrases. c) Write your own composition: “School trips are an important part of every child’s education.” Discuss this statement, giving your opinion, and using examples from your own experience. Preparation: Think back to school trips you have been on. Which ones taught you something useful and which ones were a waste of time and why? Make some notes. Now organise your ideas into three or four paragraphs. Follow the plan above. Try to use a neutral or formal style and to include some linking words. 28 Introduction: 1 paragraph • Which ones mean • and ? Which ones mean • so ? Which ones mean • but ? Which words are left over? • Discussion: 2 paragraphs • Conclusion: 1 paragraph • A In my opinion, therefore, no one should be forced to play a sport they don’t like. However, I do believe that some sort of PE should be compulsory in school. For those who do not wish to participate in team sports, schools should offer swimming, gymnastics, dance or aerobics. In this way, everyone gets the exercise they need without having to play a sport they don’t like. B In most schools, it is compulsory for pupils to take part in some kind of team sport. Some people believe that this is a good thing, while others argue against it. In this composition I will look at both sides of the question and then give my point of view. C On the other hand, not everyone enjoys team sports, and not everyone is good at them. Some children feel humiliated on the sports field because they do not have the necessary skill to play the sport well. As a result, they can find the pressure of competing very stressful. It may be that, for these individuals, teamwork can be more effectively developed through music, drama and other projects. D Firstly , participation in sport clearly promotes health and helps in the fight against obesity, something which is becoming increasingly important in modern society. Secondly, in addition to improving a person’s physical health, playing team sports also builds character and encourages students to work together. It teaches young people about fairness, discipline and commitment. Furthermore, they learn how to accept feedback, take responsibility and interact with others. Should team sports be compulsory at school? Add these words to the lists: nevertheless, in contrast, although, moreover, thus 43 2 Extensive unit 2: Schools Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv