Make Your Way 5, Schulbuch mit Audio-CD und CD-ROM

We normaIly use the present simple when we refer to things which are permanent or frequent (usually, often, always, never, etc.). We also use the present simple to make general statements (to describe things that are true for many situations). We use the past progressive when we refer to something which went on for some time in the past , and we are interested in the event itself (not in whether it was finished). We often find the past progressive used together with the past simple. The past progressive is used to set the situation or background for a shorter action , which is in the past simple . We use the present progressive for things happening in the “here and now”, at the mo- ment , and for actions happening about this time , but not necessarily at the moment of speaking or writing. We use the past simple when we refer to events which took place at a certain time in the past and which are now finished. So you often find the past simple in stories, reports, etc., and it is used with words like yesterday, last month, three weeks ago, in 1985 … Present forms Past forms Grammar station: Simple or progressive? 23 Examples: I go to school by bus every day . My friend Peter always meets me at the bus stop. I don’t usually have any breakfast, because I get up too late, so I eat a sandwich on the bus. Examples: Most English children leave school at the age of 16. Some stay on for two more years and study three subjects for their A level exams. If they do well enough in these exams, they can go on to university. Examples: Everyone in the coach was laughing and singing on the way home. Chuck Mills was sitting in the back, secretly drinking beer, and Yolanda was trying to keep order. And the crazy coach driver was breaking the speed limit all the way up the motorway. Examples: The coach was approaching the end of the motorway when a fight broke out on the back seat. Examples: John is writing to his friend in Austria. “We are doing a project in our German class on life in Austria: this is why I ’m writing to you. We are trying to collect materials from your country, such as menus, time- tables, brochures, maps, etc. We are also collecting photographs of places of interest in Austria.” Examples: At 7 o’clock we boarded the coach, and just five minutes later we ate our packed lunches and drank our Cokes. At ten past seven the coach stopped for Chuck Mills to be sick. Just after half past seven the coach returned to the school for Ms Foster-Owens’ handbag. 39 2 Extensive unit 2: Schools Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv