Make Your Way 5, Schulbuch mit Audio-CD und CD-ROM

Exams Working with words: Exams 19 Learning strategies: Taking notes Your task is note taking. Read through the tips and answer the questions at the end. 21 Complete the text with the words in the box. (Make sure you use the correct tense.) 20 What types of words (e.g. nouns, verbs, etc.) do you think you will • write down? • ignore? Now do exercise 22 ! Before you listen: While you listen: A Put the sentences into chronological order: The teacher marks the exam. Some students retake/resit the exam. The teacher sets the exam. The students pass or fail the exam. The students revise for the exam. The students get their results. The students take/sit the exam. B Match the students with their exam results. 1 Peter scraped through. a  98% (A+) 2 Henry passed with flying colours. b    20% (F) 3 Jane did quite well. c  80% (B+) 4 Jenny did really badly. d    58% (C-) 5 June got top marks. e  90% (A) 6 Mike was bottom of the class. f   32% (D) 7 Dave just failed. g  61% (C) Read through the task carefully and think about the type of information you are looking for. • Imagine some of the information you might hear. (But don’t assume this will be the information you • will hear!) What are the key words you are going to listen out for? Highlight them in the task. • Try and get a good general understanding of what you hear, but listen out carefully for the key words • you identified before. Notes are notes. You need to write down just the key words. (In the Matura you have to note down • no more than four words per question!) You need enough information to be able to expand the full answer afterwards. You are not expected • to write the answer to the question immediately. (The pass mark was 60%) get top marks  do really badly  retake  pass  scrape through  set  revise  fail Last week our teacher a really difficult exam. Henry Winterbottom of course, he always does. He got 90%. Apart from him, only Ned Simpson and Bart Flanders actually the exam. And Flanders only with 62%. It was so difficult that most of the class it. The teacher says we’ve all got to it next week. I didn’t for the exam so it wasn’t surprising that I . I got 30%. 37 2 Extensive unit 2: Schools Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv