Make Your Way 5, Schulbuch mit Audio-CD und CD-ROM

Read Brad Gold’s English homework and answer the questions below. 10 Choose the correct answer. 11 One sat at one’s desk in one’s classroom, one’s hat pulled down over one’s eyes, working on one’s English homework. It was before the bell rang, and one’s classmates were shouting and laughing and messing around. One was not amused. One was too pissed off to be amused. One just sat there under one’s hat ignoring it all while one rotated one’s finger in one’s ear to get one’s earwax out. One was pissed off because one did not want to call oneself “one”. One usually thought of oneself as “I”, or as “me”, or as “Brad Gold, boy genius”. But this is one’s English homework one is working on, and one’s English teacher, Mrs. Tennyson, says that one should not use the word “I” in one’s writing. Mrs. Tennyson says that calling oneself “I” in writing is just a way of unnecessarily calling attention to oneself. Mrs. Tennyson says it’s bad manners, like putting one’s elbows on the table while one is eating. Or like putting one’s finger in one’s ear to get one’s earwax out in front of other people. “I do not approve of using ‘I’ ”, Mrs. Tennyson says. One objected. One pointed out that Mrs. Tennyson had just used “I” herself. One got a very nasty look. One also got a lecture about being a smart aleck. One got told to do what one was told or else. One was therefore doing what one was told. One was writing about things one knew and had experienced in a way that did not call attention to oneself. One – Oh, to hell with it. I want to call attention to myself. This is my story. Mine. Brad Gold’s own story, about Brad Gold. Brad Gold is going to tell it his way. Brad Gold is going to call attention to himself, and to his earwax. Brad Gold is going to call himself “I”. And “I” will probably fail for doing it. But so what, I say. It will be worth it. (From: Perry Nodelman, Behaving Bradley) smart aleck: Schlaumeier 1 Who is Brad writing to? 2 What is he writing? 3 Where is he writing it? 4 Why is he writing it? 1 What did the writer think of his classmates’ behaviour? a He thought they were funny. b He thought they were annoying. c He thought they were childish. d He was too angry to find anything funny. 2 Why was the writer angry? a Because he didn’t want to do his homework. b Because he thought the homework was stupid. c Because of something his teacher had said. d Because he didn’t understand the task. 3 Why does his teacher Mrs. Tennyson get angry with Brad? a Because he made her look stupid. b Because he didn’t stop talking. c Because he used “I” to refer to himself. d Because he hadn’t done what he’d been told. 4 Why does Brad decide to use “I”? a Because he wants to fail. b Because he wants to be Brad. c Because he doesn’t know what else to do. d Because he wants to tell his story. 31 2 Extensive unit 2: Schools Nur zu Prüfzweck n – Eigentum des Verlags öbv