Make Your Way 5, Schulbuch mit Audio-CD und CD-ROM

“Crime ” /using bad language answering the teacher back / not paying attention / fighting in the /skipping lessons “Punishment ” get sent home / get school / get expelled get sent to the have to have to stay behind after school / School discipline Listen and take notes: Listen again and answer these questions. Working with words: School discipline 8 You are going to hear Anna, a 15-year-old English girl, talking about her ideal school. 9 1/03 1 What’s Anna’s school uniform like? 2 What would her ideal uniform be like? 3 What’s her school’s policy on make-up? 4 What’s the punishment for not doing Miss Chappell’s homework? 5 What’s the punishment for not doing Mr Thomas’ homework? 6 What’s Anna’s opinion on corporal punishment? 7 Why wouldn’t there be any bad teachers in Anna’s ideal school? 8 What subjects are popular with the boys at her school? 9 What subjects are more for the girls at her school? 10     What subject would Anna introduce and why? Work in groups and decide which “crime” deserves which “punishment”. • Example: If a student swears in the classroom, they should get sent to the headmaster. What punishments do you get in your school and what sort of things do you get them for? • What Anna doesn’t like about her school • Anna’s ideal school • Complete the table with the words in the box. • playground being cheeky headmaster get suspended messing about get detention playing truant write lines swearing chucked out of NB: Corporal punishment (the cane) was banned in British schools in March 1998. swearing 30 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv