Make Your Way 5, Schulbuch mit Audio-CD und CD-ROM

Writing Writing station: • A paragraph Grammar Grammar station: • can, be able to, could Vocabulary Working with words: • The environment Vocabulary station • Extras Internet project: • Interrailing Learning strategies: • Debating Reading tips • Becoming familiar with … 104 Listening: • Different opinions on means of transport (MM) Reading: • Divergent opinions on package tours (T/F/NG) • Language in use: The gap year (WF) Writing: • Writing a letter of application Writing Writing station: • Poems (inspired by pictures and/or music) Grammar Language booster: • Similes Vocabulary Working with words: • Adjectives, adjectives … Extras Internet project: • A poem for your Internet portfolio Reading tips • Becoming familiar with … 123 Listening: • An interview about “Cats” (MC) • Language in use: A poet’s inspiration (Editing) Writing: • Writing a review of a poem Writing Writing station: • A film review Grammar Grammar station: • Reported speech Vocabulary Working with words: • Film vocabulary Vocabulary station • Extras Internet project: • India today Reading tips • Becoming familiar with … 85 Listening: • A news report from Southern India (MC) • Language in use: Asians in Britain (Banked gap-filling) ; Mother Teresa (Editing) Writing: • Writing a film review Writing see “Becoming • familiar with ...” Grammar Grammar station I: • Comparison of adjectives Grammar station II: • Relative clauses Vocabulary Working with words: • CD release Vocabulary station • Extras Internet project: • Charts and singers Learning strategies: • Giving a talk Reading tips • Becoming familiar with … 20 Listening: • A pop poll (MC) • Language in use: Glastonbury (MC gap-filling) • Writing: Writing a letter to the editor Writing Writing station: • A “5 W poem” Grammar Grammar station: • Simple or progres­ sive? Language booster: • Verbs of senses, etc. Vocabulary Working with words: • School discipline Working with • words: Exams Vocabulary station • Extras Internet project: • Design a website for your school Learning strategies: • Taking notes Reading tips • Becoming familiar with … 42 Listening: • Misbehaviour at school (Short-answer questions) Reading: • A school trip to the Clearwell caves (T/F/NG) Writing: • Writing a discursive composition Writing Writing station: • A story Grammar Grammar station: • The passive Language booster: • Having things done Vocabulary Working with words: • Talking about mysteries Vocabulary station • Extras Internet project: • An unexplained phenomenon Reading tips • Becoming familiar with … 62 • Listening: An expert talking about astrology (MM) Language in use: • How to be a good magician (WF) Writing: • Writing an article for a newspaper 3 Nur zu Prüfzw cken – Eigentum des Verl gs öbv