Make Your Way 5, Schulbuch mit Audio-CD und CD-ROM

Giving your opinion • I think statement X is the (2nd, 3rd) most/least important because … • Reaching a conclusion • • Are you happy with that? • Is that OK with you? Arguing your case • But isn’t it more important for a teacher to … than …? • • Do you really think that? • It doesn’t really make much difference whether a teacher … or … Complete the list with these expressions: • OK, so let’s put statement X as number 1. • I don’t see how X is as important as 4. • I have statement X as the most important because … Line 1 = Who? Old Professor Dawson Line 2 = What (happened)? Talking to himself Line 3 = Where? Standing by his blackboard Line 4 = When? An hour after school has finished Line 5 = Why? Because the kids have hidden his bag again Language for discussion: Reaching an agreement 5 Writing station: Writing simple but effective poetry 6 The poem below is a “5W poem” – with the following form: • Read these poems and put the lines in order, then write your own 5W poems about something to do with school. • Because no one will talk to her By Miss Taylor’s door Waiting for school to begin Lena Lonely Every morning Bright and early one Monday morning Because he knew a secret way in Of our school Brown bat Flying in the hallways 28 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv