Make Your Way 5, Schulbuch mit Audio-CD und CD-ROM

And they say, “Well, don’t do it then.” ‘But if you say, “Yes, I do it at home.” They say, “Well, we don’t want that of thing on here thank you very much.” ‘Teachers – they you all ways,’ Rodge said. Rodge Said Rodge said, ‘Teachers – they want it all ways – You’re up and down a chair or something and they hold of you and say, “Would you do that sort of thing in your own ?” ‘So you say, “No.” We think so too. We’ll go along with that. We also thought that statement X was very important because … We have statement X as number 1. OK, so let’s put statement X as number 1. I have statement X as the most important because … I don’t see how … is as important as … We can’t go along with that … Do you really think that …? It doesn’t really make a difference whether a teacher … Can you tell us why statement X is your number one? We think ... In our opinion … This is what a group of English pupils said when Make Your Way asked them what kind of teachers they would like. 4 Number the sentences in their order of importance from 1 (the most important for you) to 10 (the least important for you). When you have finished, work in groups of four. Discuss which three sentences are the most important for the group. Then each group reads its results out to the class. Listen to the poem by Michael Rosen and fill in the gaps. Then, in pairs, think of a similar example where teachers have “got you all ways”. Report to the class. 3 1/02 A We think that teachers should be able to control the class. B They shouldn’t have any favourites. C We’d like a teacher with a sense of humour. D A teacher shouldn’t look down on the pupils. E We think looks are important. A teacher should look attractive. F We like teachers who are understanding and patient. G We’d like to have teachers who are strict and respected by all. H A teacher should be prepared to listen to the pupils. I A teacher should be punctual for lessons. J We think it’s important that a teacher shows enthusiasm for his or her subject. 27 2 Extensive unit 2: Schools Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv