Make Your Way 5, Schulbuch mit Audio-CD und CD-ROM

a) Read this letter to the editor of a local newspaper about a one-day rock festival. The layout of the letter is correct. Where is: 1 the writer’s name 2 the writer’s address 3 the writer’s signature 4 the date 5 the editor’s address? b) The paragraphs are jumbled. Put them in the correct order. Writing: A letter to the editor 27 12 July The Editor Culford Gazette High Street Culford IP12 4QT Dear Sir, (a) The next morning I visited the park. The grass was covered with litter and the flower beds were ruined. I would like to know who is going to pay for cleaning up after this event. No doubt it will be ordinary law-abiding residents such as myself, from our local taxes. (b) I am sure that I am not the only member of this community to hope that Culford Park will not be used for such an event again. (c) It was terrible. The music started at 11 in the morning and was so loud I had to keep all my windows closed, even though it was a hot day. Then there was screaming and shouting, not to mention the flashing lights, which continued all night long. This meant that it was impossible for local residents to get any sleep. (d) I am writing about the Rock Festival that was held in Culford Park last Saturday. I have lived in Park Road for over twenty years but I have never seen or heard anything like it in this area before. (e) What is more, cars were parked all along the road where I live, completely blocking it. When I politely asked one festival visitor not to park in front of my house, I was answered in a very rude manner. Are all music fans like this? Yours sincerely, Sheila Brown Sheila Brown (Mrs.) 24 Park Road Culford IP12 7HZ 24 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv