Make Your Way 5, Schulbuch mit Audio-CD und CD-ROM

Multiple choice tasks A Multiple choice task presents you with several different options from which you have to choose the correct one. Options are marked by letters (A, B, C and D) and ONLY ONE of them is correct. Therefore, it is important that you mark ONE option only. Marking more than one option will result in your answer being WRONG! In the task at hand you are requested to complete 7 sentences. While listening, decide which option (A, B, C or D) best completes each sentence. Proceed as follows: Carefully read the beginning of the instructions (here: “You are going to listen to Sarah phoning • … a pop poll where you can vote for your favourite pop artist.”) to find out about the topic of the telephone conversation you are about to hear. Brainstorm: What do I already know about the topic, what might I expect to hear? • After having listened to the instructions, you have 45 seconds to read and understand the • sentences and the options to choose from. Identify and maybe underline/highlight the most important information in the sentence stems • (= the incomplete sentences) and in the options. As the listening text is played twice, use the first listening to decide on one of the options (even • if you are not sure), and use the second one to confirm or change your decision. After the second listening you still have another 45 seconds for a final check of your answers. • In case you are still unsure about a choice, DO NOT leave the question unanswered, but try to guess: Guessing is wise choice in such a situation, as you may have understood more than you actually think. TIP 21 1 Extensive unit 1: Pop music Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv