Make Your Way 5, Schulbuch mit Audio-CD und CD-ROM

Texts 12 Based on Q magazine’s “The 50 Most Powerful People in Music” supplement Jan. 2003; 26 From:; 27 “Rodge Said”, Michael Rosen, in: David Orme/James Sale (eds.) “Poetry Street 2“ (Longman 1991); 28 5W poems: Jeradi Hochella, ; 31 Perry Nodelman, “Behaving Bradley” (Simon Pulse 2000); 44 “A school trip to an ancient iron mine”, Vicky Palmer, Thomas Hemsley, Ann-Marie Palmer, kidsreportclearwellcaves; 50–51 Adapted from: Kindred Spirit Magazine, summer 1996; 55 From: “Strange Talents” (Orbis Publishing 1995); 57 Adapted from: Jane Goldman, “The X Files Book of the Unexplained: Vol. 1” (Harper Collins 1996); 68 English in Action (EiA) 5G, Le-Ha; 71–72 Target August 1986 (Competent House, New Delhi); 74–75 Adapted from BBC Newsround website; 78–79 Adapted from: Narinder Dham, “Bend It Like Beckham” (Hodder 2002; pp. 76f); 88 “Review: Into the Blue”, Nina Osei-Armah, http://www.; 92 “Waving at Trains”, Roger McGough (Jonathan Cape 1982); 94 “A Room with a View”, E.M. Forster (Bantam Dell 1988); 100 Adapted from: The Observer, 11 August 1996; 110 Adapted from (1) Nikki Grimes: A Pocket- ful of Poems (Clarion 2001), (2) Alice Schertle: A Lucky Thing (Harcourt 1999), (3) Michele Coppola (editor, Clarion Books), (4) Bobbi Katz: We the People (Greenwillow 2000); 111 (1) “Ten Things Your Parents Will Never Say to You”, Steven Herrick, in: “Poetry to the rescue” (University of Queensland Press 1998, 1999), (2) “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”, Robert Frost, in: “The Poetry of Robert Frost”, Edward Con­ nery Latham (ed.) (Henry Hold and Company Inc.), (3) “Today”, in: “Hey World, here I am.”, Jean Little, (Kids Can Press, 1986); 113 “Mind the gap rap”, in: “Poems not on the underground: A parody”, Roger Tagholm (ed.) (Weidenfeld Nicolson Illustrated 1996) p. 83; 115 Anonymous in Seamus Heany and Ted Hughes (eds.), “The Rattle Bag” (Faber and Faber 1982); 116 “The Cats’ Protection League”, Roger McGough, in: “Bad, Bad Cats” (Puffin 1997); 117 (1) “The Dark”, Roy Fuller, in: Michael Harrison and Christopher Stuart-Clark (eds.) “Poems” (OUP 1980), (2) “At Night”, Elizabeth Jennings, in: “Collected Poems” (Carcanet Press 1986); 119 “First Day at School”, Roger McGough, in: “In the Classroom” (Jonathan Cape 1976); 120 “Modern Romance”, William J. Harris, in: Joachim Baldus/Liesel Hermes/Heinz Mathias Meltzer (eds.), “Invitation to Literature” (Cornelsen 1993, pp. 82–83); 124 and 126 “Poetics”, Benjamin Zephaniah; “Morning”, Dionne Brand; “Good Food Guide”, Jackie Kay, in: Fiona Waters (ed.) “Poems from Many Cultures” (Evans Brot- hers 2001). 130–131 Adapted from: ; 132–133 Adapted from “Not Dressed Like That, You Don’t!”, Yvonne Coppard (Penguin 1993); 150 “New Computer”, Kenn Nesbitt, from: ; 154–155 “Only You Can Save Mankind”, Terry Prachett (Corgi 1993); 160 “Our House”, Graham Nash, from the album “Déjà Vu”, 1970, by Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young; 185 “Unscrambling the British Breakfast”, adapted from The Observer, August 10, 1986; 190 „Tom’s Diner“, Suzanne Vega, from the album “Solitude Standing”, 1987; 200 “She’s a Groover”, D. Bohlen – N. Ascot/ T. Cunningham; 204 Tracy Nicoll, Just Seventeen, 23 October 1996. 206 N u r zu Prüfzwecken – Eigen um des Verlags öbv