Make Your Way 5, Schulbuch mit Audio-CD und CD-ROM

0 Aine’s changed school so many times because A not many schools want to accept her. B of her father’s job. C she finds it difficult to make friends. D she gets bullied. 1 At school Aine does not have problems with A making friends. B understanding all the lessons. C getting bullied. D other children laughing at her. 2 When Aine was rejected by three schools, she was A angry. B confused. C unhappy. D disappointed. 3 At school Aine does not miss out on A doing sport. B socialising at night. C having male friends. D dating. 4 When Aine got her GCSE results, she felt A surprised. B really happy. C a bit disappointed. D nervous. 5 The sentence that is not true is: A Down’s Syndrome is a genetic problem. B All sufferers have eyesight problems. C Many sufferers have weak hearts. D All sufferers have the right to “normal” friendships. TIP Multiple choice tasks A Multiple choice task presents you with several different options from which you have to choose the correct one. Options are marked by letters (A, B, C and D) and ONLY ONE of them is correct. Therefore, it is important that you mark ONE option only. Marking more than one option will result in your answer being WRONG! In the task at hand you are requested to complete 5 sentences. While reading, decide which option (A, B, C or D) best completes each sentence. 205 7 Compact unit 7: Now and then Nur zu Prüfzwecken – E gentum des Verlags öbv