Make Your Way 5, Schulbuch mit Audio-CD und CD-ROM

Is he too old for me? I’m 15, and about 7 months ago I started going out with a boy who’s 17. When my parents found out that he was 2 years older than me, they said I couldn’t see him anymore. I think it’s really unfair! My boyfriend and I are missing each other so much. He says we should see each other in secret, but I’m not sure. What’s your advice? A Just good friends? I’m a 16-year-old boy with a seri- ous problem. One of my best friends is a girl who I’ve known since I was little. We’ve always been really good mates, and have done everything together. The problem is, now I want to go out with her. I haven’t said anything to her yet – should I? B Best friend’s boyfriend My best friend has been going out with Jack for 8 months. I’ve always really liked him but of course I’ve never tried to take him away from her. Recently though, Jack has been paying me lots of attention and the other day he asked me out! He says he’s going to finish with my friend soon anyway. I really want to go out with him! Should I? C He’s not interested! I’ve liked Mark for years! He’s a good friend of my cousin James, so I asked James to talk to Mark to find out if he liked me. Mark said that he doesn’t want to go out with anyone at the moment. I am so up- set, I don’t know what to do. I can’t stop thinking about him. How can I make him like me? 1 What you are going through is really hard, but you must be rea- listic. You can’t make someone fall in love with you. You know how this person feels about you – you must accept it and move on. In my opinion you should go out more. You could also join some clubs and spend time with your friends. Time is a good healer and you will forget this person eventually. 2 If I were you, I would not risk the friendship. It is always nice to be flattered and to hear that someone wants to go out with you, but in this case I don’t think you should accept the offer. How would your friend feel if you did? Think care- fully before you do anything stu- pid. Try waiting a few months to see if your feelings change. Then, if you still feel the same, maybe you could give it a go. But, for now, I’d put the friendship first. 3 I think it would be a terrible mis- take to spoil such an important friendship. If this person does not feel the same as you, that could easily happen. Then you will have no relationship, and no friendship either! I suggest you do nothing. Haven’t you heard the expression ‘plenty more fish in the sea’? That means there are lots of people out there who would be perfect for you. Just go out and catch them! Writing: An e-mail with a piece of advice a) Read the following problems (A–C) found on a teen website. Then read the three pieces of advice (1–3), and match each one with the correct problem. b) Now look at the problem below. Use the underlined expressions of the reading above to write an e-mail giving your opinions and advice to the teenager. Write about 180–200 words. 16 Do you agree with the advice given? Would you say the same? Look at the underlined expressions and use them to think of more advice you could give to the people involved. 203 7 Compact unit 7: Now and then Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eig ntum d s Verlags öbv