Make Your Way 5, Schulbuch mit Audio-CD und CD-ROM

Writing station 10 There are 10 words referring to character in the word frame below. Try to find them! 11 Internet project Who are the people who have influenced you most in life? Maybe they are relatives, friends, teachers or someone famous. Design a page for your Internet portfolio called “The three most influential people in my life”. Include: an introduction to each person (who they are) • what makes them special for you • a photo of each person • 12 introduce yourself (name, age, where you live) • say how you got their e-mail address • tell them a bit about yourself (your family, your • hobbies, likes and dislikes and anything else that might be interesting) ask them questions about themselves • say you’re looking forward to hearing from them • Now imagine that you have been given the e-mail address of the person you have chosen. Use these tips and write an e-mail to your new 15-year-old pen friend in Britain. Don’t forget to: Useful language: I got your e-mail address from … I’m (not very) good at maths, skiing … I’m a good skier, guitar player … I’m interested in computers, rock music … I really like … but I can’t stand … Enough about me. I’d like to ask you some questions. I can’t wait to hear all about you. Write soon. A H R P N E W P P W C O U R A G E O U S T N D O E T L L H W I E E U M I I Y S E N S P D T V N E I E D T R E C E F S N T T S U O R E N E G T 199 7 Compact unit 7: Now and then Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv