Make Your Way 5, Schulbuch mit Audio-CD und CD-ROM

What do friends mean to you? Work with a partner. How many of these adjectives do you know the opposite of? Check your ideas with another pair and then finally check with the teacher. 8 Look at these pictures of English teenagers. If you could choose one of these as a pen friend, which one would you choose? Why? 9 Discuss with your partner what qualities you look for in a friend and why these qualities are important. • Perhaps there are some not included in the list. Choose the qualities that are most important for the two of you and discuss them in class. • Try to guess what this person is like. What qualities do you think he/she has that you would like? Compare your choice with your partner’s. I’d choose … because he/she looks … I think he/she is probably … I like people who are … generous sensitive helpful patient thoughtful non-competitive intelligent funny tolerant ambitious lively interesting brave punctual self-confident honest polite sensible Jane Calder Richard Coleman Anne Dickinson Louis Riley Catherine Sell Derek Metcalfe 198 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv