Make Your Way 5, Schulbuch mit Audio-CD und CD-ROM

You are going to hear an English teenager, Jacqueline Kyme, answering questions about what life is like for her at 15. Before listening, study the table below. Then listen and fill in the gaps with a maximum of four words. 5 2/17 Jacqueline Kyme – an English teenager Pocket money Mother Going out Clothes Hobbies Relationship with mother Perfect night out £10 for (1), £30 for (2), but mostly spent on (3). same taste in (4); doesn’t mind if Jacqueline (5). likes spending time with (6); unfortunately not (7) for nightclubs, had bad experiences at local club: (8). prefers (9) to fashionable ones • (10) • (11) • going to the cinema, loves reading about (12) looks: dark-skinned, (14) eyes and hair outfit and styling: no (15), shouldn’t use make-up, but styling (16) is ok. can be described as (17), but Jacqueline (18) to talk about boys to her. with friends: going to a proper nightclub, with a boy: (19) a career (21), then marry (but not before (22)), and have two children. (20) (13) 196 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv