Make Your Way 5, Schulbuch mit Audio-CD und CD-ROM

Things I used to do then and I still do now Things I used to do then but don’t do any longer Things I do now that I didn’t use to do then Talking about the past and present  Responding Talk about the topic Asking about the past and present 3 Write sentences about yourself and your partner and report to the class. You can choose from the following expressions: 4 Compare your table with your partner’s table. • Did you use to collect stickers? • Do you still collect stickers? • Do you go window-shopping now? • I used to play with dolls/action figures.  So did I./I didn’t. I didn’t use to go out in the evenings.  Neither did I./I did. I never used to go out in the evenings.  Neither did I./I did. I go out in the evenings now.  So do I./I don’t. I don’t play with dolls/action figures any longer/more.  Neither do I./I do. We both I Neither of us He/she (but) I (but) He/She go out in the evenings play football plays with dolls/action figures collects stickers do. don’t. does. doesn’t. now any more Now Then play with toy blocks/ dinosaurs play hide and seek have ballet classes play the flute/guitar read comics/fairy tales used to didn’t use to did. didn’t. Has your life changed much since you were nine years old? Fill in the table with activities from your life. • Use the activities from the previous page and think of some of your own. 195 7 Compact unit 7: Now and then Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv