Make Your Way 5, Schulbuch mit Audio-CD und CD-ROM

Becoming familiar with … Write your answers here: Reading Read the tips for healthy eating below. Choose the correct commandment (A–K) for each tip (1–8). There are two extra commandments that you should not use. Write your answers in the boxes provided at the end of the task. There first one (0) has been done for you. 12 TIP See tips for this task type in the “Becoming familiar with …”-section of Compact unit 3 . 0 It can give us the energy we need to face the day as well as some of the vitamins we need for good health. Missing meals doesn’t help us lose weight and means we may not get essential nutrients. 1 Choose vegetable oils instead of butter, which can increase the amount of cholesterol in the blood, and eat nuts, seeds and avocados rather than too many dairy products. Cut the fat off meat when you have it, and grill rather than fry. 2 Aim to eat at least 5 portions every day. Try a glass of juice and a sliced banana with your breakfast, a side salad at lunch, a portion of peas with your evening meal. Fresh, frozen, tinned, dried or juiced are fine, but remember, potatoes don’t count. 3 It’s an excellent source of protein and contains many vitamins and minerals. Aim for at least two portions a week, fresh, frozen or canned, including one portion of sardines or tuna. Remember that when canned or smoked, it can be high in salt. 4 Most of us should eat more bread, cereals, rice, pasta and potatoes. They should make up a third of the food we eat. They are a good source of energy and contain calcium, fibre, iron and B vitamins. 5 No more than 6 g per day. Lots of people think they don’t eat much, especially if they don’t add it to their food. But 75% of our daily intake comes from processed food such as breakfast cereals, soups, sauces and ready meals. 6 We should all be trying to eat fewer sweets, cakes and biscuits and drink fewer soft and fizzy drinks. They can be bad for your teeth and are high in calories. 7 We need about 1.2 litres of fluids every day. When the weather is warm, our bodies need more than this. But avoid drinks that are high in added sugar. 8 It’s not a good idea to be either underweight or overweight. Only eat as much food as you need and eat a variety of types of food so you get all the nutrients your body needs. Also make sure you exercise enough so that your body can burn the calories consumed. 9 tips for healthy eating G Try to eat less salt. H Be a healthy weight and get active. I Drink plenty of water. J Don’t skip breakfast. K Eat more fish. A Base your meals on starchy foods. B Eat lots of fruit and vegetables. C Chew your food slowly. D Cut down on saturated fat. E Avoid too much sugar. F Don’t combine sugar and starch. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 J 192 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv