Make Your Way 5, Schulbuch mit Audio-CD und CD-ROM

Language for discussion: In a restaurant First read the two sections of the dialogue and put the lines in section 2 in order. (The first line is in the correct place.) Then listen to the dialogue and check if section 2 is correct. In the “Maharaja of India” restaurant (see menu on previous page). 9 bitter: eine englische Biersorte SECTION 1 Matthew Mmmm. That does look good, doesn’t it? Lisa Yes, it does. So what are you going to have? Matthew I think I’ll have an onion bhajee first and then I’ll have the sheek kabab. What about you? Lisa I don’t think I’ll have any starters. Maybe just some plain poppadums if you’ll share them with me ... Matthew Yeah, sure. Lisa And the Bombay aloo with some dahi. Matthew It says here it’s a little hot. Do you mind? Lisa Oh, no. I don’t, as long as it means what it says. Let’s ask the waiter. (catches the waiter’s eye) SECTION 2 Waiter Are you ready to order? Waiter Very well, sir. Two poppadums, onion bhajee, Bombay aloo, sheek kabab, dahi, and one bitter. Thank you. Lisa What about the Bombay aloo? It says “a little hot”. It is a little hot and not very hot, isn’t it? Matthew I’ll have a pint of bitter. Waiter Thank you. Anything to drink? Waiter Oh yes, just a little hot. It’s a favourite dish with many of our customers. Lisa OK, I’ll take it. And I’d like some dahi with it. Waiter Very well, madam. And for you, sir? Matthew I’ll have an onion bhajee and then the sheek kabab. Oh, and we’ll have a couple of plain poppadums to start with, please. Matthew Yes, we are. Lisa I’ll just have some water, thank you. In groups of three use the menus in 8 to act out a similar dialogue. 2/15 189 6 Compact unit 6: Food Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv