Make Your Way 5, Schulbuch mit Audio-CD und CD-ROM

What’s in our food? Working with words Complete the table with the words in the box. 6 You are going to hear Ms Thompson, an English teacher, give her class a brief lecture about food additives and processed food. Before listening, check that you know what the following expressions mean: 7 ingredients  shelf  processed  additives  label  tooth flavourings  sell-by canned numbers All foods from vegetables to frozen pizzas have to carry a so customers know exactly what they are buying. As well as the natural , this label must list all the food , E- , artificial and colourings etc. contained in the product. The product must also show its date so that customers can check whether or not it has passed its -life. There are some people who would like to see the label contain warnings (a bit like cigarette packets). Imagine buying your can of coke with “Warning – can cause decay” or your Mars bar with “Could make you fat” written across it in big letters. flavour to preserve processed food food labelling food additives ailments tooth decay to extend to can shelf-life of a product 186 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv