Make Your Way 5, Schulbuch mit Audio-CD und CD-ROM

TIP Banked gap-filling Remember that the testing technique used in this task is called “Banked gap-filling” because there is a bank of words (here: A–P) from which you have to choose the appropriate word for a gap. Also note that the bank of words contains two “ distractors ” that you should NOT use. Proceed as follows: Glance over the whole text to get an idea of what it is about. • Speculate about the meaning of the missing word. Then look at the words in the bank: Which • one comes closest to this meaning? Cross out any word in the bank once you have decided where to insert it in the text. This will • make it easier to search through the remaining words. Pay close attention to the words before • and after the gaps, as they co-determine what words can and can’t be used. A very common mistake is to find a word that fits the text before the gap but not after the gap. Therefore, always look on both sides of the gap. Having completed all the gaps, read the text again for a final check of your choices. • Do not forget to document your choices in the • boxes under the text . DO NOT write the chosen words there. Rather write the letters (A, B, C, … P) corresponding to these words there. 183 5 Compact unit 5: Shop till you drop Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv