Make Your Way 5, Schulbuch mit Audio-CD und CD-ROM

Language in use You are going to read a text about shopping in a department store. Some parts are missing from the text. Choose from the list (A–P) the correct part for each gap (1–13) in the text. There are two extra parts that you should not use. Write your answers in the spaces provided. The first one (0) has been done for you. 16 Shopping spree I’m not a shopaholic, but my cousin has just had a baby so I had to buy her a present. I found some cute little socks in the (0) ..... department on the first floor and then went down to (1) ..... . There I bought a lovely furry teddy bear and had it wrapped at the (2) ..... . That was right by the (3) ..... section, where I got some buttons for a jacket and some needles and thread to sew them on with. Then I wanted some things for my new flat – a duvet, pillowcases and towels from the (4) ..... department, crockery from the (5) ..... section, a set of saucepans in (6) ..... and some cutlery from the (7) ..... section. (8) ..... were on the same floor, which reminded me to get an ink cartridge for my printer. There was so much to carry, I arranged to collect it all when I’d finished the rest of my shopping. Then I went back down the escalators to the (9) ..... section, where I bought a nice birthday card, some post-it notes and a pack of felt-tip pens. I tried on a bikini in the (10) ..... department and also stocked up on sun-cream from the (11) ...... section, ready for my holiday. I went down to the (12) ..... department to look for a snorkel but unfortu- nately they’d sold out. By now it was almost closing time, so I hurried along to the (13) ..... point. I’d got lots of carrier bags and I’d spent a fortune but at least I won’t have to go shopping again for a while! A Babywear G Haberdashery L Sports B Bed and Bath Linen H Kitchenware M Stationery C China and Glass I Ladies’ Fashion N Swimwear D Computers and Telephones J Nursery Furniture O Toiletries E Customer Collection K Silverware P Toys and Children’s Books F Gift Wrapping Service 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 A 182 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv