Make Your Way 5, Schulbuch mit Audio-CD und CD-ROM

Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Speaker 3 Speaker 4 A So long as you prepare well you’re fine. B It costs a fortune and I never know what to buy. C Christmas presents are a waste of money. D Fortunately someone else does it for me. E I love it – I can’t get enough of it. F It’s no big deal. I buy most of the presents during the year already. Becoming familiar with … Listening You are going to listen to four men talking about Christmas shopping. First you will have 45 seconds to study the task below, then you will hear the recording twice. While listening, match the speakers (1–4) with the statements (A–F). There are two extra statements that you should not use. Write your answers in the spaces provided. After the second listening, you will have 45 seconds to check your answers. 14 10 TIP Proceed as follows: Read and listen to the instructions very carefully as they will tell you what exactly you are • required to do as well as the number of extra choices (i.e. the number of items you “should not use/will not need”). Use the 45-second preparation time to carefully read the statements, underlining some • keywords in each of them. Do not expect, however, to hear the statements in the recording exactly as they are written on the question sheet. Rather brainstorm about words and expres- sions that can relate to and paraphrase those key words. Remember that each of the choices may be used only ONCE. In other words: there is only ONE • possibe solution for each matching. But don’t be afraid to pre-select more than one possible statement as you listen for the first time. Decide between them when you listen again. Talking about Christmas shopping 180 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eig ntum des Verlags öbv