Make Your Way 5, Schulbuch mit Audio-CD und CD-ROM

Henry, Chad: Dogbreath Victorious (Holiday House 2000) McNamee, Graham: Hate You (Random House 2000) Nolan, Han: Born Blue (Harcourt Paperbacks 2003) Shuker, Roy: Popular Music: The Key Concepts (Routledge 2002) Watkins, S. Craig: Hip Hop Matters (Beacon Press 2005) CAROLE HOWARD You are a teenager and you think that this is the best thing that has ever happened in the town. You are looking forward to going to the show. You think there are not enough things for teenagers to do in your town. Now simulate the discussion that takes place. First divide up into six groups. • Each group works with one of the role cards below and prepares arguments for this person. • Next, choose someone from your group to play the part of the person on the role card. • Your teacher will play the part of the town’s mayor or mayoress, who will chair the discussion. A discussion about a controversial metal band The notorious death metal band Overkill are coming to play in your town. The band are known for their particularly violent lyrics and gruesome stage performance, which includes spraying fake blood over the audience. Local businessmen are actively encouraging the show and say it will bring money to the community. They have promised to donate some of the ticket sales to help local teenagers with drug problems. However, many local parents are concerned about the influence the band might have on their children and possible violence at the show itself. A meeting has been arranged to discuss the matter. 23 Reading tips 24 Role cards e Mr. CLARKE (a psychologist) You can understand both sides. You sympathise with the teenagers – you don’t believe in the “evil” influence of music. But you also understand the parents’ concern and the problem of violence. Mr. BAILEY You are a local social worker who works with drug addicts. You are afraid that the show could have a negative effect on some members of the society, but you would certainly welcome the money the organisers have promised your charity. RICHARD LARKINSON You are a teenager. You like classical music and hate the idea of such a rock show. You would like the local community to spend more time promoting culture in the town. Mr. BRADFORD As the parent of three teenagers you definitely want the show banned. You believe it will cause violence in the community and have a negative effect on the local teenagers. Ms. HILL You are one of the show’s organisers and you will earn a lot of money. You have offered money to help local teenagers and think the arguments against the show are stupid. You want to convince everyone that the show is a good idea. 18 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv