Make Your Way 5, Schulbuch mit Audio-CD und CD-ROM

Shopping in England and in Austria Reading tips 13 Listen to an Englishman talking about his shopping experiences in Austria and England and choose the correct answers to these questions. 11 2/11 1 Robin needed a pair of boots because a the only shoes he had were for dancing. b his feet were cold. c he kept falling over in his shoes. d he wanted to be more Austrian. 2 In the Austrian shop he was surprised because a there were lots of people to help him. b the shoes were really cheap. c there were so many shoes to choose from. d the girls spoke English to him. 3 When he went to pay for the shoes a the sales assistants told him he had to pay cash. b the girls didn’t know what to do. c the manager asked him for some identification. d he was arrested. 4 The main difference between the English and the Austrian shops was that a he could only pay with VISA in England. b there were more shoes in the English shop. c the sales assistants were much more friendly in Austria. d he couldn’t find the shoes he wanted in England. 5 The sentence implied by Robin’s story is: a English shop assistants are prettier. b English shop assistants are more friendly. c Austrian shop assistants are less helpful. d Austrian shop assistants prefer customers to pay cash. Answer the following questions. 12 Which part of the story did you like best? • Was there any part of the story you found • difficult to understand? Do you think the English- • man’s story is true? Do you think it really • happened like this? Have you ever had a funny or interesting experience when • shopping? (Tell your classmates about it.) Kinsella, Sophie: Confessions of a Shopaholic (Bantam Books 2003) “Time Out” Shops & Services Guide (Time Out 2009) 178 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv