Make Your Way 5, Schulbuch mit Audio-CD und CD-ROM

Language for discussion: Predicting the future Discuss in groups how you think shopping habits will change in Austria over the next 20 years. • Remember to give reasons for your predictions. Change the sentences (if necessary) to reflect your opinion. • How do people like to do their shopping in Austria? Design a page for your Internet portfolio on Austrian shopping habits. 9 Internet project 10 I predict that I wouldn’t be surprised if Over the next ten years there will be Hackers are certain to I doubt that I can imagine that The reason for that could be ... because fewer and fewer people will use e-commerce. more and more … there were no shops in the future. an increase in shopping centres in Austria. a change in people’s attitudes towards … find a way of getting credit-card details. we’ll see a rise in confidence in e-commerce. there will be a trend towards more individualised shopping. that people want to have an alternative. it won’t be safe any more. Include: a how much money was spent on shopping in Austria last year b statistics about where people do their shopping c what sort of things people buy over the Internet d a text about your own shopping habits (use the ideas from exercise 5 to help you) 177 5 Compact unit 5: Shop till you drop Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv