Make Your Way 5, Schulbuch mit Audio-CD und CD-ROM

OK, you need to go upstairs to the foreign language section. Well, not more than five pounds. Yes, it’s right here. Can I help you with anything else? I’ve already got a small one, I need some- thing better. OK, they look very nice. I’ll take them. How much do you want to spend? 1 Can I help you? Do you want a pocket dictionary or a large one? Oh yes. I want to buy some flowers for my mother. Well, actually I’m looking for a good German dictionary. 1 Excuse me, do you have Stephen King’s “Skeleton Crew”? Mmmm, well you could buy a dozen of these rather nice roses. Shopping dialogues Look at the pictures. Below there are a number of sentences which belong to two dialogues. One takes place in the bookshop and the other one at the flower market. Reconstruct the dialogues and write them down. 3 Look at the photos and write a dialogue. 4 What kind of shops are on the photos? • Do you think either of the two has something • you would want? What? Imagine a shopping dialogue which • takes place, and write it down. 173 5 Compact unit 5: Shop till you drop Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv