Make Your Way 5, Schulbuch mit Audio-CD und CD-ROM

TIP Gap-filling via word formation A gap-filling task of this type focuses on your ability to complete a text by forming new words from given ones. In order to fill the gaps you have to draw on your understanding of the text and, in particular, on your knowledge of the rules of word formation . After each gap, there is a word in brackets, printed in bold : it’s the so-called stem word . Your task is to change the stem word into another one so that the new one fits the gap in terms of meaning and grammar. Depending on what stem word is given and what word has to be formed, you may need to change, for example, a verb/adjective into a noun ( differ/different  difference ), a verb into an adjective ( differ  different ), or an adjective into an adverb ( different  differently ), etc. Note, however, that sometimes you will not need to change word class , but only meaning . This, for example, will be the case when you have to form an adjective with a negative meaning from an adjective with a positive one ( regular   irregular ). Proceed as follows: Carefully read through the text. • For each gap, first decide what type of word (verb, noun, adjective or adverb) is required. Only • then make the necessary change in the stem word. Fill the gap with the new word and check whether the resulting text makes sense. • Write the word you have formed in the space provided at the end of the text, paying attention to • its correct spelling. 171 4 Compact unit 4: Where we live Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv