Make Your Way 5, Schulbuch mit Audio-CD und CD-ROM

Controversial bands What do you know about these bands? Read the stories and find out why they are notorious. Language for discussion: Agreeing and disagreeing 21 22 In 1985, Ozzy Osbourne was taken to court by angry parents who claimed their sons committed suicide after listening to Osbourne’s anti-alcohol song “Suicide Solution” . In 1995, 15-year-old Elyse Pahler was murdered by three teenagers who were inspired by the heavy metal band Slayer . They believed they needed to commit a “sacrifice to the Devil” to give their garage band, Hatred, the “craziness” to “go professional”. After the Columbine High School shootings in Colorado, where two teenagers killed 13 people and then themselves, it was found that the two boys were big fans of “shock rocker” Marilyn Manson . Teenage murder- ers Kip Kinkel, Andrew Wurst, and Luke Woodham were Manson fans as well. Discuss these questions: Do you think the artists mentioned in the above stories should go/should have gone to prison? • Do you think that music can influence teenagers to commit acts of violence? • What other factors can you think of that might influence them? • Do you believe that rock lyrics should be censored? • Agreeing I couldn’t agree more. I agree entirely. You’re right. You’ve got a good point there … Exactly! Disagreeing I take your point but … (I’m afraid) I have to disagree. OK, but you’re forgetting … You couldn’t be more wrong/mistaken. That’s absolute rubbish. 17 1 Extensive unit 1: Pop music Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv