Make Your Way 5, Schulbuch mit Audio-CD und CD-ROM

A Switch it off B Junk C Yin and Yang D Furniture E Visual stimulation F Welcome to my room G Position your bed well Read the text below, then choose the correct heading (A–G) for each paragraph (1–6). There is one extra heading you should not use. 11 Most kids spend at least 50 hours a week in their bedrooms. at’s almost a third of your life! It’s a room where we study, hang out with friends and, of course, sleep. If any room needs Feng Shui, then it’s the bedroom. By following these simple steps, you can increase the energy ow in your bedroom today. 1 Bad news for most teenagers, but a messy bedroom is not good for creative forces. If you can keep it tidy, you’ll nd ideas come much more easily. Never store things under the bed unless you want to be sleeping on unresolved problems. 2 ere should be nothing hanging over your bed. If there is a beam or a cupboard above your sleeping space, you will nd it di cult to get up in the mornings. e headboard of the bed should be against a solid wall. is gives the body a sense of security and will help you sleep better. Don’t place the headboard in front of a window, as energy will be lost through it during the night. 3 You should have a round bedside table with a reading lamp beside your bed. is will help your physical health and also encourage you to read. If you have a study table in your bedroom, make sure it does not face a window. is will make it di cult for you to concentrate. 4 TVs, computers, radios, etc. should not be kept in the bedroom. e electrical energy they emit stimulates activity and you will nd it hard to relax. It can also weaken your immune system, which can lead to ill health. If you really need to have these things in your bedroom, then you should de nitely unplug them at night. 5 e walls of a bedroom are extremely important. Pictures and posters can be an excellent thing, but they must be chosen carefully. Try to put up inspira- tional material, photos of people you admire, places you want to visit. Try and avoid aggressive images. 6 Decorate the door to your bedroom. is is, a er all, the front door to YOUR room. Kids who express their personality on their bedroom doors nd it easier to adapt into society. How Feng Shui is your bedroom? 166 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv