Make Your Way 5, Schulbuch mit Audio-CD und CD-ROM

Listen again and then discuss the following points with a partner. Write down your opinion in note form. Listen to an Englishwoman talking about the differences between housing in England and Austria. 6 true false  1  English people like to stay in one house for years and years.  2  English people prefer houses to flats.  3  The speaker thinks that Austrian houses are much better built.  4  It’s easy to tell when a house is for sale in England because there is usually    an estate agent’s board outside.  5  It costs about the same to buy a house in England as in Austria.  6  The speaker thinks that centrally heated houses in Austria are much warmer    than those heated by “Kachelofen”.  7  The speaker thinks that it is much easier for working-class people to buy a    house in Austria than it is in England.  8  The speaker thinks that Austrian schools are overheated. What do you think about the speaker’s picture of the way people live in Austria? • Decide whether the following statements are true or false and tick (  ) the appropriate box. 2/09 If a foreigner asked you about how people live in Austria, what would you say? • 163 4 Compact unit 4: Where we live Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv