Make Your Way 5, Schulbuch mit Audio-CD und CD-ROM

Useful language: Useful expressions: a good view of the mountains in the middle of the countryside spacious rooms around the corner from my parents’ in a safe neighbourhood as far away from my parents’ as  possible a huge garden in an area where there’s lots going on a double garage a swimming pool and a sauna close to the shops a room where I can get away from  everyone My perfect house would have to have/be ... I don’t want to have/be/live … I’d rather have/be/live … I’m a very messy kind of person and for this reason I would need a lot of space. I’m not so bothered about nature, so I wouldn’t  need a particularly great view. It would have to have at least three bedrooms, because I want lots of children. There would have to be enough space for a huge  TV, as I spend most of my life watching DVDs. And I mustn’t forget the swimming pool, which  would be in the garden. A big garden would be very important for the  children to play in. Working with words: Describing features and locations 2 Writing station: A description of your perfect house 3 Write a paragraph to describe each of these points: Try and give reasons for your ideas when you can. Mark the phrases: Which of these are true for you? Discuss them with a partner. A – If they refer to a feature of a house ( the house has …) B – If they refer to the location of a house ( the house is …) the style, age, size, colour, etc. of the house or flat • the kind of area it would be in and why • the most important features inside and outside the house • Discuss these questions with a partner. What time of the day do you enjoy most in your house or flat? • Do/Did you have a say in the decoration and furnishing • of your house or flat? If you could change something, what would it be? • What makes a house cosy for you? • What’s your favourite room? • How is your room decorated? • Do you have flowers in your house or flat? • 161 4 Compact unit 4: Where we live Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv