Make Your Way 5, Schulbuch mit Audio-CD und CD-ROM

The other player who destroyed Johnny’s starship in the extract was a girl who calls herself Sigourney (probably not her real name). Imagine that Johnny manages to get her phone number. Write the dialogue in which he tries to telephone her and tries to persuade her to help him to rescue the alien fleet. 11 But … … at the same time … … it’s all happening here … His own ship jumped forward. It was easy. It was so easy. Just line up the circles on the screen, binkabinkabinka, and then press the Fire button and keep pressing it. He’d done it many times before. e other starship hadn’t even seen him. It launched some missiles – and then blew up in an impressive display of graphics. at’s all it is, Johnny told himself. Just things on a screen. It’s not real. ere’s no arms and feet spinning away. It’s all a game. e missiles arrived … e whole cockpit went blinding white. He was aware, just for a moment, of cold space around him, with things in it … A bookcase, a chair, a bed. He was sitting in front of the computer. e screen was blank. He was holding the joystick so hard that he had to concentrate to let go of it. e clock by his bed said 6:3~, because it was broken. But it meant he’d have to get up in another hour or so. He sat in bed watching the television until the alarm went o . He felt sick. 1 Why did the alien captain ask to go to Earth? a Because he thought it would be safer there. b Because he had mistranslated his language into English. c Because that was the name of his homeplanet too. d Because he wanted to meet Johnny. 2 What did Johnny do when he saw the starfighter coming towards him? a He moved out of the way. b He fired a missile at it. c He asked it to surrender to him. d He tried to tell it to stop firing. 3 Why was it easy for Johnny to blow up the other starfighter? a Because it hadn’t seen him. b Because he was good at playing the game. c Because it wasn’t expecting him to open fire. d Because the alien ship was protecting him. 4 Why did Johnny feel sick? a Because he had eaten too much. b Because he hadn’t slept all night. c Because he had to go to school in the morning. d Because he was no longer sure whether the game was fantasy or not. 155 3 Compact unit 3: It’s a wired world Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv