Make Your Way 5, Schulbuch mit Audio-CD und CD-ROM

Complete the review with the words in the box and then write a short review of the last CD you bought or were given. (There is one word you should not use.) 18 Complete the letter to your favourite pop star/group. Say what you admire about him/her/them and ask for a photo with an autograph. 19 fans single album studio tunes charts track lyrics dance rhythm words “Discovery” is the second CD by Daft Punk and it contains some of their best music so far. From the opening , the hit “One More Time”, it’s clear that this is a special dance . The will get you moving and the are infectious. You’ll be singing them all the way to school. The are pretty stupid but then you don’t buy dance music for the . “Discovery” was included on BBC Radio 1’s Masterpieces in December 2009, showing how highly regarded the album is amongst the and fellow artists. Dear , I know you must get 1000s of letters everyday but I’m writing to you ... If you could do this for me I’d be eternally grateful. All the best, 15 1 Extensive unit 1: Pop music Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv