Make Your Way 5, Schulbuch mit Audio-CD und CD-ROM

Grammar station II: Relative clauses It is Sharon who has negotiated his most successful deals. Madonna’s career, which has already lasted more than 25 years, shows no signs of fading. We can use who to refer back to people, and which to refer back to things in all relative clauses. We can also use that instead of who or which in certain relative clauses. 1 Defining relative clauses The article introduced us to the people who/that have the real power in the music industry. In a world which/that is traditionally dominated by men, the authors discovered, “Sisters are starting to do it for themselves.” Defining relative clauses contain necessary information and cannot be left out. There are NO commas. That can be used instead of who and which . 2 Non-defining relative clauses Knowles, who is one of the US biggest selling artists, has already made her Hollywood debut. The CD, which sold 12 million copies in just three weeks, earned Yoko around £32 million. Non-defining relative clauses give additional information which could be left out. That’s why commas are used. That CANNOT be used instead of who and which . 13 Connect the correct sentence halves by forming relative clauses. 14 1 Shakira captured the rest of the world with her album “Laundry Service”. 2 Her single hit “Hips don’t lie” was the most-played pop song in a single week in American radio history. 3 Madonna’s career has lasted for more than 25 years. 4 She did a tour in 2006. 5 Sharon Osbourne’s husband is Ozzy Osbourne. 6 The TV series “The Osbournes” was Sharon’s idea. 7 Beyoncé is one of America’s most successful artists. 8 She starred in “Goldmember”. a It shows no signs of fading. b He was the lead singer with Black Sabbath. c It earned the family more than £40 million. d She had already been a superstar throughout the Spanish speaking world. e She once sang with Destiny’s Child. f It earned about $80 million. g It was an Austin Powers film. h It was released in 2006. Example: Shakira, who had already been a superstar throughout the Spanish speaking world, captured the rest of the world with her album “Laundry Service”. 13 1 Extensive unit 1: Pop music Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv