Make Your Way 5, Schulbuch mit Audio-CD und CD-ROM

Pop’s most powerful women Girls on top Some years ago, an international rock magazine published an article “The 50 Most Powerful People in Music” and introduced us to the people who have the real power in the music industry. In a world which is traditionally dominated by men, the authors discovered, “sisters are starting to do it for themselves.” 12 1 The comeback 2 Who needs the other two? 3 South American domination 4 The power behind the scenes 5 The heiress 6 A wandering star 7 Still going strong Work in pairs: • – Who do you think has the real power in the music industry? – Tell your partner what you know about the women in the texts. Are they still powerful? – Who would you include in this list for the present day? Read the texts and match the descriptions with the women. • (There is one description you should not use!) Sharon Osbourne – The matriarch of rock’s most famous family. Her husband Ozzy may be the rock star, but it is Sharon who has negotiated his most successful deals including the hit TV series “The Osbournes”, which has earned the family more than £40 million. Britney Spears – After years of personal crisis, princess of pop Britney Spears is back on her feet: Her last album “The Circus” sold 3.5 million copies worldwide, and Telegraph reports that the accompanying world tour earned her more than $130 million. Madonna – Madonna’s career, which has already lasted more than 25 years, shows no signs of fading. Her 2005 single “Hung up” was one of her most successful, and the accompanying “Confessions” tour in 2006 earned about $80 million. Shakira – Already a mega-superstar throughout the Spanish speaking world, Shakira captured the rest of the world with her 2001 English language debut, “Laundry Service”. In 2006 her single “Hips don’t lie” was the most- played pop song in a single week in American radio history: it was played 9,637 times in one week. Beyoncé – When the all-girl trio Destiny’s Child split up, singer Beyoncé Knowles knew exactly what she was going to do – make it as a solo artist. The 5 million selling album “Dangerously in love” proved she was serious. And Knowles, who is one of the US biggest selling artists, has already made her Hollywood debut. Yoko Ono – Although the Beatles split up nearly 40 years ago, they’re still one of the best selling bands in the world. Their compilation CD “1”, which in 2000 sold 12 million copies in just three weeks, earned Yoko around £32 million. Her personal fortune is estimated to be about £700 million. 12 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv