Make Your Way 5, Schulbuch mit Audio-CD und CD-ROM

A few years ago …, but nowadays … As far as … is concerned, … For example … Another thing I’d like to mention is … Some people say/believe …, but I think … What seems very interesting is … Learning strategies: Giving a talk Use pictures or sounds to make your point clearer. • A well-chosen picture or example of the music can tell much more than many words can. Stand up straight, feet slightly apart, take deep • breaths. This will make you look confident, and feel confident, too. Make eye contact with your audience. How would • you feel if somebody never looked at you when they were talking to you? 10 Show and tell 11 Make a list of main points on cards. This will • make your talk clearer because it will be well- organised. Practise using any equipment you need, e.g. • CD-player, OHP, computer, data projector. Check your audience can hear and see visuals properly. Useful expressions for raising points: Put the words into the right order to make useful expressions for organising your speech. • I’m today about to going talk … • second in explain I’ll part the briefly … • there to unfortunately isn’t time enough … • questions you listening thank are for there and any? • you like of all I’d to attention for first your thank • in few first part of my talk I’ll the examples give you a … • I about tell would finally like and to you … • sum to up … Write the correct sentences on an index card and keep them for further use. Now prepare a short presentation on something to do with music. It could be, for example, about your favourite song, your favourite group(s) or something on the history of music. It should last 3–5 minutes. Write notes to help you remember without having to read too much. Remember you must keep eye contact with your audience so you should not read during the talk, only glance at your notes, each heading on another card. Make sure you bring along any visuals or CDs you need to illustrate your talk, and practise making your presentation before giving it in front of the class. 11 1 Extensive unit 1: Pop music Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv