Make Your Way 5, Schulbuch mit Audio-CD und CD-ROM

Music and words You are going to hear Colin, a 15-year-old English boy, giving a presentation to his class about “Music and words”. One of these three statements best describes his talk. Before you listen, tick (  ) the one you most agree with. Now listen and mark the following sentences true or false. 9 1/01 1 The words of a pop song are more important than the music. 2 In pop music the words don’t really matter. The sound and the rhythm are important. 3 Pop songs without good lyrics are not very satisfying. true false   1   Colin thinks the words of a song are more important than the music.   2   He thought the lyrics in the Oasis song he played were pretty.   3   In the Oasis song there is something wrong with the girl’s hand.   4   The girl in Sting’s song isn’t always very friendly.   5   Colin used to like the Oasis song.   6   Colin has changed his ideas about music recently.   7   He says pop music today is better than the Beatles’ music.   8   Music is processed on the same side of the brain as pictures.   9   The brain processes numbers and words on both sides. 10   He says pop music is very important. Which of the above statements best describes his ideas? • Do you agree with him? Why?/Why not? • Discuss in small groups. Take notes and then report to the class. • 10 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv