Prime Time 5, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

4 How to: Show everyday courage and support a) What could you say in the following situations? Look at the useful phrases for ideas. 1. At a party: All the guests are white. Someone tells a racist joke. You don’t think it’s funny. 2. In an expensive shop: You have just been treated very well by a shop assistant. She then turns to a poor-looking girl your age and tells her that maybe she should try one of the cheaper shops down the street. You think this is awful. b) Think of how these situations could continue and then act out the scenes showing your moral convictions in the face of getting into difficulties. 5 A letter of complaint: Complaining with respect  WG4 a) Read this e-mail which Morton Leroy, an angry customer, sent to an online clothes firm. USEFUL PHRASES • Do you think what you said is appropriate? • I don’t think it’s right to judge people by their looks/appearance/skin colour. • Don’t you think that’s a bit unfair/racist/ nasty? b) The e-mail above is very disrespectful. Imagine Mr Leroy writes a formal letter of complaint to the clothes firm showing more respect. Write his letter and try to include the following information: Address: Customer Service New Age Online Clothes 8423 Red Terrace Road Asterville, WA 65435 / USA What went wrong? • 8 days delivery instead of promised 7 days • wet and torn parcel • greenish T-Shirt in the parcel instead of blue one • ordered sweatshirt size M, got S c) You are working for the clothes firm and were asked to sort out the problem. Write a formal reply letter to Mr Leroy in which you apologise for any inconveniences, explain that you had no influence on the mail service and offer to exchange the goods. Yours must be the worst firm in the business. Delivery in less than a week, you promise. Haven’t you heard there are SEVEN days in a week? Your goods took EIGHT days to reach me. Maybe you don’t know that 8 is more than 7. And what the hell did you do with the parcel? It was wet and torn when I got it. So I guess you just have idiots working for you. I ordered a blue T-shirt, but what I got is almost green. How difficult are the basic colours for your personnel? Too many Hispanics, I guess. And the sweatshirt is the wrong size. I ordered M, and got an S, so it’s too small. You should employ people who can READ. Send one of your idiots to collect your stuff before I throw it away. M. Leroy Re.:Complaint Reply Reply toAll Forward 94 Human rights 7 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv