Prime Time 5, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

about Africa all the time, start (5 think ) about all the problems here in America.” My mom wanted me (6 shut up ) , of course. And I really meant (7 stop ) it, but I just couldn’t. “When are we going to stop (8 look ) at the problems everywhere but here? But that’s impossible for people like you (9 do ) . It would mean to admit that America isn’t perfect! Instead of (10 think ) about the poor children in Africa, think of how (11 make ) a university education affordable for Americans who aren’t rich. Or do you really think every US family is able (12 pay ) $20,000 or more a year for university?!” b) Read the text again. Do you agree with the girl? Why? Why not? c) Listen to the rest of what the girl says about the dinner with her parents’ friends. • Which human rights issues does she mention? • Can you imagine having this conversation at a dinner with your family and their guests? Why? Why not? Tolerance and respect Tolerance of and respect for others, even in simple everyday situations, are main ingredients in a society which takes human dignity seriously. So it is important to express tolerance and respect. 1 Listening: Who should respect whom? a) Listen to a scene in a Los Angeles café. What is going wrong in your opinion? Who should be more tolerant, who should be more respectful? b) Now listen to the second and third version of the same scene. Which phrases used by the girl and the woman are more appropriate? Make a list. 2 Listening: Think before you talk Listen to the start of another conversation. With a partner, rewrite the situation with the people in the conversation showing more tolerance and respect. 3 Role play: Show tolerance and respect In small groups, choose one of the situations below and act out two scenes for the rest of the class. How could the scene you have chosen continue • without showing much tolerance and respect? • showing tolerance and respect? 2.2 2.3–5 2.6 USEFUL PHRASES Expressing tolerance and respect • I really don’t think it’s fair … . • I’m terribly sorry, but … . • Do you really think it’s appropriate to … ? • Would you mind … ? • Could you show a little more respect for … ? • I’d really appreciate it if you could … . I'm sure the money doesn't go to charity. You keep it for yourself! 2 3 1 That was crap. Why are you guys using up my time here? Get lost! How can I sleep when you kids are making such a noise? 93 7 Human rights Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv